Spring has sprung, well it will officially tomorrow! I am beyond ready for spring! Can't wait to get my hands in the dirt. My husband did some work in the yard this weekend, but I'm ready to move some things and plant some seeds. You don't have to have an enormous cutting garden to beautify your home. The smallest and simplest containers can be turned into bud vases adding that little pop of color and happiness to your room.
I rescued these Salt and Peppers from the trash, when we closed my Grandfather's restaurant.
They are going to be the perfect little bud vases to add to the table decor at my friends wedding.
I can't wait to go shopping for flowers with her. Of course, I will post a picture of the finished project, but until then here's a couple
of S&P bud vase pics I found online.
I've gotten a little spring fever this week, too, Courtney! I'm itching to make my flowerbeds pretty again. Pollen's gotta get under control first, though... :o)